
Hello children !
I love the drawings and pictures you are sending me. 
All of them are great!!
Today, in this new blog entry we are going to talk about the meaning of three words which are important to learn some art concepts.

These three words are 
 light, shadow and shading.

Light:is a type of energy that makes it possible for us to see the world around us.
We need light to see. 
 Light comes from different sources. 
Our main natural light source is the sun. 
Other sources include fire, stars and man-made light sources such as light-bulbs and torches.

Shadows are created when an opaque  object blocks the light source. 
Shadows change depending on the distance the object is from the light source and the position of the light source.
 Shadows usually adopt the shape of the objects that cast these shadows, ( a person casts a shadow in the shape of the human body)   and they can be longer or shorter according to the position of the point of light.
 (The shadow of an object is always in the side opposite to the point of light that is iluminating the object)

The Sun changes position during the day. It produces shadows of different sizes and in different places. 
If the Sun is on the left, you can see a long shadow on the right of the object. This occurs mainly early in the morning ( when the sun is rising) and in the sunset.
If the Sun is high in the sky, you can see a small shadow in front of  or behind the object. This occurs every day at noon.
When the sun is very low in the sky the shadows are incredibly long.

In the following worksheet:
Observe the shadows of the landscape in the two first pictures.
Try to draw the shadows of  the objects in the last two pictures

Pay attention to the position of the Sun.

Shading is the the representation of the different values (matices) of colour or light and dark in a painting or drawing.
Shading is a technique used in pencil drawing, to create a sense of depth or dimension and express the relationship between the subject matter and a light source.

(Values are the different shades of gray between white and black. Artists use values to translate the light and shadows they see into shading, to create the illusion of a third dimension.)

To do shadings, artists use different graphite pencils.

There are different types of pencils graduated according to the hardness of the mine.
2B: Very soft / B: Soft / HB: Semi-soft. 
H: Hard  2H: Very Hard.

The harder the mine, the finer the trace and lighter its tone will be.

The softer the mine the thicker the trace and darker its value will be.

In the following worksheet
 try to make the shading of the jug and the objects in the kitchen table 
using a soft pencil.
Do not press. Do it softly and carefully.

When colouring  objects, things, fruits, ... you   have also  to take into account  where the light comes from  and where gives straight to the object.
 You must mark this point with the lightest  tone of the colour (nearly white).

Look at the following pictures.

Can you see the point of light on every fruit?
Can you see the light on the fruit bowls?

Try to colour the fruits and the fruit bowls exactly the same.

Don´t forget to mark the point of light.

You can use water colour paints, coloured pencils, soft wax crayons...

 It´s your choice!!

That´s all for now kids!

Enjoy this week colouring these tasty and juicy fruits.

See you soon.


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