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¡¡¡ Buenos días amigos!!!

Ya comienzan los días largos y el calorcito, la época de comer helados y bañarnos en la piscina. 

Y también la época en la que los gusanos de seda comienzan a hacer sus capullos para convertirse en mariposas. 

Si recordáis, ayer, la seño Mari Ángeles con Andrés, un amigo que va con Mari Ángeles al aula Nueva Zelanda, nos trajeron una caja con gusanos de seda y ya había 2 capullos formados. 

Para trabajar esto, vamos a ver un cuento que ya conocemos y nos encanta, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar", cuyo autor falleció el pasado 23 de Mayo y nos dejó escritos un montón de cuentos preciosos para disfrutar. ¡Vamos a conocerle un poco mejor!!

Web oficial de Eric Carle

Y ahora, vamos a ver nuestra preciosa historia, 

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

¡¡¡Espero que lo disfrutéis!!! Y recordad, este domingo faltarán ¡¡3 domingos para que sea verano!!!

¡¡¡Que tengáis un gran fin de semana!!!

de 28


Para este fin de semana os proponemos las siguientes sumas y restas:

                                                                                                      LAS TUTORAS DE 5 AÑOS

de 28


A machine is an instrument that makes work easier.

  • Simple machines (pliers, screwdriver, sharpener...).
    • Have one or two parts 
    • Some are called "tools

  • Complex machines (washing mahine, watch, biclycle...).
    • Have more than two parts.
    • Sometimes are a combination of different machines.

All machines need energy to work.

  • Fuel (car, bus, plane...).
  • Electricity (electric drill, hairdryer...).
  • Energy from people (scissors, stapler...).
  • Energy from sun, wind and water (heater, torch...).


Inventions have made big changes in what and how we read.

  • Clay tablets: used for writing using a tool such as a knife.
  • Papyrus (made from a river plant) and parchment (made from animal skins).
  • Early printing press: Johannes Gutenberg. Books made at the same time.
  • Modern printing press: mechanised process. Mass production of books. Information revolution.
  • Electronic books: read on a digital device. 


Steam engine (250 years ago) changed how people moved around (ships, trains...).

  • Travel more quickly.
  • Carry more people and products.

It was also part of the Industrial Revolution; it changed how things were made in factories.

  • Telegraph (170 years ago).
  • Telephone (140 years ago).
  • Computers and smartphones. 

Machines help us in different ways:

  • At home (housework): washing machine, diswasher, vaccum cleaner, iron...
  • Communicate: telephone, television, radio, computer...
  • Transport (move around): bicycle, car, motorbike, train, plane..
  • Enjoy our free time (enjoy): video consoles, electronic books, machines at the funfair...
  • Jobs (to work):
    • Mechanics: screwdrivers, pliers, spanners...
    • Farmers: rakes, tractors, combine harvesters...
    • Doctors: syringes, X-ray and ultrasound machines...
Some machines and places of work are dangerous. Workers have to follow safety rules to protect their eyes, ears, head, feet...
  • Construction: wear a hard hat, boots and gloves
  • Laboratory: wear a mask, glasses, gloves, lab coat...
  • Driving: take a driving test, use the seatbelt...


Electricity is powerful and dangerous. It flows througt some materials and it is block through others.
  • Conductors: metal, water, trees and people.
  • Insulators: plastic, glass and rubber. 

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    This video might help you prepare your Constitution's work.

     Your work must present the following sections:

    Estas son las pautas que tenéis que seguir a la hora de crear vuestro trabajo:

    1. Front cover page (portada) featuring: title, picture and your name

    2. Index (índice) featuring each heading and number of page where it is.

    3. Introduction (definition, why the Constitution is so important? what does it involve?)

    4. A brief time-line featuring most important dates before its sign. (un breve resume o línea de tiempo con los eventos y fechas más importantes)

    5.Preámbulo (What is it?, what does it tell?)

    6. Apartados del Título Preliminar (name them, what does it tell about our flag and the crown?)

    7. Main rights and responsabilities (derechos y deberes fundamentales)

    7. Look for the next articles, read it and explain them using your own words (busca los siguiéntes artículos y explica qué nos cuentan):

     - Article 1
    - Article 14
    - Article 47
    - Article 27

    8. Look for another article that you consider it's important and explain it. (Busca un artículo que consideres importante y explicalo)

    9. Opinión personal sobre la Consitución Española (en castellano)

    10. Bibliografía.

    de 22

    ¡¡Buenos días!!

    Vamos a repasar  la última letra que hemos aprendido con esta actividad:

    Y vamos a contar elementos y a rodear:

    ¡¡Pasad un buen fin de semana!!

    Las profes de 4 años

    de 21

    de 21

    de 19

    de 19


    Este es el vocabulario que hemos trabajado en el último tema de Natural Science.

    de 15

    ¡Hola familias! Os dejamos una pequeña lectura para que practiquéis con los peques y otra actividad de matemáticas :) Feliz fin de semana. 

    Las profes de 4 años.


    de 14

    Aqui tenéis tanto la página como el video que hemos visto en clase con la información que necesitáis para completar la actividad:

    de 14

     Hello folks,

    Since the reading and writing exam will be very soon we need to keep practising. These online exercises will help you. Try all the exercises you can:

    A2 (KET):

    Reading and writing


    B1 (PET):




    Have a nice weekend!

    de 13

    Fill the gaps with the verb in past simple.

    1. The baby_____________ (cry) because she was hungry.

    2. "What is your name?" the wolf _____________ (ask).

    3. Katie _____________ (finish) her homework at 4:30.

    4. We _____________ (dance) a lot at the party.

    5. Tim _____________ (close) the window.

    6. She _____________ (stay) at the hotel.

    7. They _____________ (miss) the bus.

    8. Amanda _____________ (drop) the ball.

    de 12


    En el topic 8 estamos trabajando vocabulario relacionado con los animales de la granja, los adjetivos THIN (delgado), FAT (gordo), DIRTY (sucio) y CLEAN (limpio) y los números. También estamos aprendiendo a usar el verbo CAN (poder).

    Los números del 1 al 10 deben saber decirlos y escribirlos, mientras que los números del 11 al 20 decirlos. Seguiremos trabajando para que también sean capaces de leerlos.

    de 11

    As you know, part 3 consists of describing the differences bewteen two pictures. Imagine we have these two pictures. Write in your notebook all the differences you find. Try to use.

    - Present continous when you describe actions ("This man is playing voleyball")

    - There is or there are for describing things you see in the picture (There's a lamp next to the window)

    - Use formulas as: "In this picture we can see..... but in this other picture....."

                                   "Both pictures show......... however this picture shows...."

                                    "While in this picture there is/are ....... in this other picture..."


    de 11

     We divide history into periods:


    Started about 5 million years ago, when the first humans appeared.


    • lived in caves.
    • made clothes from animal skins.
    • hunted and fished.
    • collected wild plants and fruit to eat.
    • made paintings, tools and objects.

    They also...

    • discovered fire.
    • invented the wheel and writing.


    Started about 3.500 B.C., when people invented writing.

    First civilisations appeared, such as the Greeks and the Romans.

    • made beautiful buildings and sculptures.
    • traded (brought and sold things).
    • wrote books.
    • believed in many gods.
    The Greeks...
    • called the Iberian Peninsula: Iberia .
    • invented democracy, coins and the Olympic Games.
    The Romans...
    • called the Iberian Peninsula: Hispania.
    • built aqueducts, roads and cities.

    • invented a language called Latin.


    Started in the 5th century.

    Christian kingdoms (north):
    • built churches.
    • priest and monks lived in monasteries.
    • kings and nobles lived in castles.
    • peasants lived in villages.
    Al-Andalus (south):
    • built mosques and palaces.
    • more towns and cities.
    • more artisans and merchants.
    The Christians slowly conquered al-Andalus. This is called the ReconquistaGranada, the last Muslim kingdom was conquered in 1492.


    Started in 1492, when Christopher Columbus discovered America.
    • Explorers...
      • used the compass and made better maps.
      • had better and faster ships.
      • discovered many places.
    In Spain, this period in called the Golden Age.
    • Writers:
      • Cervantes (Don Quijote)
      • Lope de Vega (Fuenteovejuna)
    • The printing press was invented.
    • Artists:
      • El Greco.
      • Diego Velázquez.
    Spain conquered many lands in America, Asia and Africa. It established a big empire.


    Started in 1789.

    Industrial Revolution: changes and inventions.
    • 19th century:
      • People moved from the countryside to towns and cities.
      • Factories used machines: to make lots of products.
      • Steam trains: to move around quickly.
      • Rich people: owned factories, had big houses and servants and go to school.
      • Ordinary people: worked in factories and lived in modest houses.
    • 20th century:
      • More comfortable homes (machines for whasing, cooking, cleaning...).
      • Cars, buses and planes: move around easily.
      • Entertainment: cinema, radio and television.
      • Everybody could see a doctor and go to school.

    de 8

    ¡¡¡ Buenos días amigos y amigas!!!

    Esta semana, vamos a repasar los medios de transporte que hemos trabajado en clase. Recordad que hemos visto los medios de transporte de carretera, de aire y de agua. Algunos, molan más que otros, pero todos son necesarios para viajar o pasarlo bien. 

    Primero, vamos a repasar el vídeo que ya hemos visto en clase con todos los medios de transporte. 

    Means of transport video

    Ahora, vamos a escuchar una canción con algunos de los medios de transporte que ya conocemos: 

    Means of transport song

    Repasadlos bien, que esta semana trabajaremos con ellos. 

    Disfrutad del solete 🌞 y del buen tiempo. 

    ¡Buen fin de semana!!!

    Teacher Noelia

    de 7

    Another cool video explaining the three chemical changes that we've studied (COMBUSTION, OXIDATION and FERMENTATION). 

    Enjoy it!

    de 7

    This brief video will help you understand the chemical reaction of FERMENTATION. Try to watch it after reading from the book

    de 7

    This video is going to help you remind how to spell in english. After listening, look for the sounds to spell your LAST NAME properly.

    de 1

     These questions will help you to prepare the next exam. Try to answer them in your notebook:

    1, What are the gametes? Describe the two types of gametes.

    2. Explain the female reproductve system and all its components.

    3. The male reproductive system: name the components and explain two of them.

    4. Describe the fertilisation process, from the sexual intercourse until the fetus is formed.

    5. Define the following terms: placenta - menstrual cycle - sex characteristics.

    6. Define  pure substance and  mixture substance.

    7. What is a solution? Name the componentes and write examples of solutions.

    8. Name the separation techniques and expalin just one of them including an example.

    9. Oxidation: explain the process and name the two types of oxidation (you do not need to explain them, only must be named).

    10. Where does a chemical change occurs and what are the consequences? Give at least one example of chemical changes.

    de 1

      ¡¡Buenos días!!

    Os dejamos unas actividades entretenidas para este largo fin de semana.

    Las profes de 4 años.