Dear students.
I hope you have had a relaxed weekend =) We start a new week and so, we will continue with Social Science.
We are going to move on to the economic situation in the 18th and 19th century (p.50). Here you have the info.
Here you have a video about the industrial revolution. This video contains lot of information in a very summarised way. It will be good for you to watch it and expand your knowledge about the changes that this revolution caused.
ACTIVITY: In addition, and in order to review what we studied before Eastern Holidays (The Spanish-American War, p. 49) you are going to do exercise 2 from page 49.
IMPORTANT: The last day to send me the activity will be on Thursday 23rd of April before 14:00h.
ANOTHER IMPORTANT THING: In order to have a better control of your progress, remember that you need to send me the activities once I have posted them on the blog; NOT BEFORE.
I know that you continue doing a great effort. I am very proud of all of you!
Best greetings;