
Dear students;

Once again, it is so nice to keep in touch with all of you! =) I hope that you have enjoyed these unusual Eastern holidays. 

Today we are back to the "digital school" and we will continue, little by little, with schoolwork. Hence, in this entry of the blog, I will post the answers of the activity number 2 (p. 47).

If you have not done this activity yet, please, do it but without looking at the answers ;) 

IMPORTANT: I remind you that there are still some students who have not sent me any activity yet (talking about both Social and Natural Science). Please, contact with me as soon as possible =) 


a) The War of Indepence lasted for 6 years, from 1808 to 1814.

b) The head of the French government in Spain was Joseph I (Napoleon's brother)

c) The Constitution of Cádiz limited the power of the monarchy and divided the government into the legislative, executive and juditial branches.

d) Isabel II was supported by the Liberals. Her uncle, Carlos, was supported by the Carlists.

If you have had all correct, you should have a big smile in your face! 

If you have had some mistake, you should have another big smile in your face too. 

Remember that the most important thing is doing things with all our mental and physical effort, no matter if we commit mistakes... just pay attention to those mistakes to not commit them anymore ;)

WELL DONE CLASS! I'm very proud of you! 


Have a nice day! 


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